Medical aid from Slovenia, Austria and Malta arrived in Nepal

Three European countries–Slovenia, Austria and Malta have send medical aid to Nepal expressing their solidarity in the country’s fight against the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The equipment that they donated via the European Union arrived in Kathmandu on Sunday morning. The EU Delegation to Nepal says the EU member states have supplied the equipment through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

Honorary Consuls of Slovenia and Austria, joined by EU Ambassador to Nepal, Nona Deprez, handed over the materials to the Health Ministry’s Chief Specialist Roshan Pokhrel, the statement informs.

Here is a list of the medical equipment and supplies received today:

  • Face masks: 30,000 pieces
  • Nitrile gloves: 100,000
  • Protective goggles: 12,500
  • Protective masks: 100,000
  • Non-sterile medical masks: 600,000
  • FFP2 masks without valves: 50,000
  • Pulse oximeters: 1,000
  • Antigen test kits: 2,400
  • Non-contact infrared thermometers: 130
  • Face shields: 5,000
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